Short Articles & Opinion
Will Religion Replace Race as the New Identity Politics?
2024, City Journal
Democrats Have No Monopoly on "Joy"
2024, City Journal
2024, Law and Liberty
Thin Evidence, More Polarization
2024, Middle West Review
About Those "Childless Cat Ladies"
2024, City Journal
Et konservativt patchwork (in Danish)
2024, Udenrigs
2024, City Journal
The Political Economy of Right-Wing Populism in the United States
2024, ProMarket
2024, Law and Liberty
2024, National Review
The Myth of Republican Radicalism
2023, Fusion
2023, Law and Liberty
2023, Law and Liberty
The Future of Immigration Politics
2023, Law and Liberty
2022, Law and Liberty
The Mythical Progressive-Conservative Voter
2022, Law and Liberty
Nostalgia for 1990s Conservatism
2022, Law and Liberty
2022, Law and Liberty
2021, Law and Liberty
Lessons of Glenn Youngkin’s Shocking Victory in Virginia Governor’s Race
2021, The New York Post
2021, Law and Liberty
2021, Law and Liberty
2021, Law and Liberty
The Working-Class-Party Myth, and What Really Motivates Voters
2020, National Review
A Liberal History of Conservatism
2020, The Washington Examiner
2020, The Spectator
2020, Law and Liberty
2020, Law and Liberty
2020, Law and Liberty
Are Trump Supporters Anti-Muslim?
2019, The Brookings Institution
2019, Law and Liberty
What Really Happened in the Last Presidential Race?
2019, Law and Liberty
9 Books on Political Behavior that Every Student of Politics Should Read
2019, The Intercollegiate Review
What are the Real Fault Lines Dividing Americans?
2019, Law and Liberty
The Alt-Right's Moment has Come and Gone
2018, The American Conservative​
Survey Data Indicates a Complicated Relationship between Religion and Racial Attitudes
​2018, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs​
​2018, The Intercollegiate Review​
The Demography of the Alt-Right
​2018, Institute for Family Studies​
​2018, Law and Liberty
What if We Cannot Escape Identity Politics?
​2018, The Intercollegiate Review
America’s Polarization Has Nothing To Do With Ideology
​2018, The American Conservative​
Lee Edwards’ Just Right and the Lessons of Movement Politics
​2018, Law and Liberty​
The Radical Right is a Threat to Some Individuals but will Never Hold Political Power
​2018, The Washington Post
What the Abortion Debate Hath Wrought
2017, Law and Liberty
Bannon's World of Political Warcraft
​2017, Law and Liberty
George Hawley on His Book Making Sense of the Alt-Right
2017, Rorotoko​
The European Roots of the Alt-Right
2017, Foreign Affairs
Some Conservatives have been Against Capitalism for Centuries
​​2017, The American Conservative
The Alt-Right is Not Who You Think They Are
2017, The American Conservative
Is there Really a Racial Divide Between North and South?​
2017, The American Conservative​
How Marriage and Mortgages Influence Election Outcomes​
2017, Institute for Family Studies​
No, Americans are Not Polarized by Ideology​
2017, The American Conservative​
Is the Religious Right to Blame for Christianity's Decline?​
2017, The American Conservative
​​What Americans Think About Open Marriages
2017, The American Conservative​