My interview on the Tom Woods Show
An interview I had with Tom Woods about my new book just went online. The interview was recorded last week. Unfortunately, days after the interview took place, I was informed that the book's release was pushed back by another month, to my incredible frustration. Had I known that was going to happen, I would have asked to do the interview a few weeks later.
Woods is a well-known libertarian, so I was grateful for the opportunity to reach his audience. He was a very gracious host.
As I was writing the book, I thought political progressives would be the book's primary audience. After all, they are more likely to be unaware of these internal battles within the American right. So far, however, I have recieved more interest from folks on the right -- particularly from those in the movements I wrote about. I guess I should not be totally surprised by this, though I must admit that I am more nervous about readers and reviewers on the right than on the left, as they will probably be more likely to catch any mistakes or disagree with my interpretation of recent events.