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RWC Media Round Up (Updated)

Academic books can take awhile to get any notice. A year can pass between a scholarly book's publication and its first review in a peer-reviewed journal. I have thus been grateful that, despite only being out for a few weeks, Right-Wing Critics of American Conservatism has already gotten some meaningful attention. Below are the media mentions it has recieved so far, as well as my interviews related to the project. I will update this post as more come in. Fingers crossed it needs many more updates.

I was interviewed on the Tom Woods Show about the book shortly before its release. To libertarians, Woods needs no introduction. I was grateful for the chance to reach his audience.

Paul Gottfried, a well-known (if controversial) paleoconservative scholar, wrote some kind remarks about the book at Lew Rockwell is also an influential libertarian.

Gottfried also mentioned the book in an article at That site, like its brilliant and iconoclastic founder, Ron Unz, is hard to pigeonhole ideologically.

Gottfried later published a more lengthy review of the book on the same site.

I was interviewed for an article about Trump at WND, and the author of the piece graciously linked to the book. WND is a conservative website.

I have had a couple of interviews on the Steve Curtis Show. Curtis hosts an AM talk show in Denver. I honestly don't know very much about him, but from our conversations I inferred that he is as an anti-war traditional conservative.

I did another interview on that show on 3/21/16.

I made the weekly book list over at The Chronicle of Higher Education.

I was interviewed for a story about the conservative crack-up for a story in The Guardian on 3/31/16.

That same journalist mentioned my work in a piece for the progressive Australian journal Overland on 3/17/16.

This story later got a link from Book Forum on 6/2/16.

I was interviewed in The Daily Caller for a story on the same subject on 3/31/16.

The book was mentioned at Tyler Cowen's blog on 3/31/16.

I did a segment on Frank Beckman radio show on 4/1/16.

The book was given a generally favorable review by Jack Kerwick at BeliefNet on 4/13/16.

I gave WND a few more comments on Trump and had another opportunity to plug the book on 4/31/16.

Gerald J. Russello included the book on his summer reading list at The University Bookman on 5/30/16.

My book came up in a discussion about the Trump campaign in The Anniston Star on 7/17/16.

My book was also briefly mentioned in a discussion of the Trump campaig in the Toronto Star on 8/16/16.

The book was reviewed in the Sept./Oct. issue of The American Conservative.

It also had a very favorable review in the October issue of Reason.

Cas Mudde included it on his list of books that help explain Trumpism at The Huffington Post on 9/23/16.

I had a kind review in Public Discourse on 11/17/16.

The book was mentioned in a Bloomberg article about paleoconservatism on 11/27/16.

It was mentioned in a broader discussion about my work in The Chronicle of Higher Education on 12/7/16.

It also had a favorable review in American Greatness on 12/21/16.

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